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I am a therapist, a life, relationship, dream and slimming coach. 
I work as a HR and training Director.  If I am not there, then “my product” is not bringing in money, so I got hooked on the internet business, passive income and on-line marketing. 
Well, this was the beginning, it brought me back to all the things I wanted in my life that I did not pursue…
or because I made other plans. 
I could not go to the office anymore, the restriction on my freedom became too much…
my creativity started to disappear and I started becoming so frustrated and ugly. 
On top of all this, I needed more finances to support the people who suffered severely due to a financial crisis. 
I am blessed with gifts that can help me to help them…
I went to a fashion show in Dubai…
and that was the catalyst …
it brought me back to the people I mixed with;
models, photographers, actors…
events and the things that I wanted…
I went home and felt so disillusioned I realized that I took a path…
and now I want the other path the one I've always wanted…
so I had tea…
with Bibi and decided: it is not too late…
I will become what I always wanted to be…
and in the process I will give to my parents what they have lost in the journey.
Also to some special people who need me and to my Darling
- This is my freedom act -
I hope it will become the same for you...


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Copyright © Bibi Farnham - How to be a Plus Size Model 2011
E-mail: bibifarnham@gmail.com
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